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2014 02 21

Gyuri twitter Update:







it's a dawn with tears




the one who got it can sleep with ease while the others will sleep crouching. that referee... there are people watching, can he sleep? 




it's meaningless to have the score on textbook.. love you yuna







I'm pretty sure that "yuna" is kim yuna (the olympic champion) but I don't understand nothing, nothing !!!    :disappointed: 


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I think her second place has caused a bit of controversy. A lot of people think that Adelina Sotnikova (RUS) is worse than Yuna and she won only because she is russian (russia is the host).

It goes a bit further in figure skating than Russia being the host country. To beat Russia at figure skating, any other country has to be an order of magnitude better than the Russian. There's a severe general bias toward Russian figure skaters (just look at the adoration Adelina got just by stepping out onto the ice). One of many reasons I tend to avoid the figure skating events.

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come 2018, i'm sure the host will cheer the most for her skaters too. this is not bias.

controversy happens in all sports, especially when there is no clear scoring system and the judges have to make all consideration on the spur of the moment. the officials are professionals but humans too. i would say, get over it. in this case, i would give it to the one who took risk than one who played safe.

Edited by red4summer
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come 2018, i'm sure the host will cheer the most for her skaters too. this is not bias.

controversy happens in all sports, especially when there is no clear scoring system and the judges have to make all consideration on the spur of the moment. the officials are professionals but humans too. i would say, get over it. in this case, i would give it to the one who took risk than one who played safe.


there's a difference between an audience cheering and the severe bias (and probably collusion) from judges (and from organizers and even politicians). one would expect a high-profile competition to be fair to all competitors who train their lives for this event that happens only once every four years. it's one thing if the competitors themselves made errors; it's another if they were handicapped from the beginning because the judges already chose the winner before the competition. in this case, it didn't matter how hard the other competitors performed, unless they performed a thousand times better than the pre-determined winner. and that's why people are calling out for unfairness. not just the nation of the second place winner, but many people from other nations are shocked about the result, including former athletes in the sport who were amazed by her performance and expected her to win by her own merit. the host nation may have "won" the gold, but they lost other nations' compassion, respect, and trust.

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Date: 2014 03 01

Gyuri's Instagram


몰래 아파트 계단에서 아빠 생일 서프라이즈 준비중... 두근두근 근데 시간이 안가네ㅜㅜ#나이런딸이에요아빠♡



preparing surprise for my dad secretly at apartment's stair... excited but why it's so longㅜㅜ I'm a daughter like this, dad
~ cr.@yooniqda_
Edited by Cassiopheia!
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success!>_< ~ 성공!>_<





Date: 2014 03 08

Gyuri's Instagram



멋진 공연을 보게 되어서 행복하다.. 한국적인 것.. 우리 나라 고유의 멋은 순수한 그 자체로도 아름답지만 때로는 상상하지 못했던 것과 섞였을때 더욱 한국적인 아름다움이 발하기도 하는듯


i'm happy because i able to watch an awesome performance..
a korean thing.. our country's distinct characteristis, it's already beautiful even by it pure self however sometimes when it's combined with something unthinkable it emits a beauty that feels more korean


Translated by @yooniqda_

Edited by mitsuki0208
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