[2013.05.22] Park Gyuri is Praised for Her Talent in Nail Art


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If for some reason Park Gyuri may decide to stop being an idol in the future, it seems she′ll still have a lot of other talents to turn to for a living.

While learning nail art for her MBC Queen and MBC Dramanet drama Nailshop Paris, Park Gyuri was recommended she take a test to become a professional nail artist.

The cast of the drama were trained by an expert nail artist for about two months before they entered their shoot.


During their classes, Park Gyuri surprised her trainer by showing great talent in acrylic design.

The expert was quoted to have said, "She is very talented in nail art. She could start preparing for the official license test."

Park Gyuri′s talents were previously revealed on the MBC Queen program Talk Concert Queen, which aired on May 2. She had drawn some exquisite nail art on the nails of MC Joo Young Hoon when asked on set, drawing awe from those watching.


Park Gyuri currently appears as a probational employee at the nail shop in her drama, but as the story progresses she will go on to show off more complicated and beautiful nail art.

Photo credit: DSP Media

Source: MWave

[Copyright CJ E&M Entertainment Portal enewsWorld, All Rights Reserved]

Because of these articles, Park Gyuri NailArt trended in Daum at #6


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Gyuri, you're such a talented artist ! *Fangirling*

Fighting ! And, thanks to Karaholic subber team / newscaster, sharing news with KAMILIAs ^^

KARA, fighting ! KARAHOLIC, fighting ! :gemhoho:

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Well I guess what you can call Gyuri is jack of all trades master of all trades:D

Okay I know I'm exaggerating but beauty salon craft isn't something easy to master, yeah sure she's been wearing make-up a lot since she's an idol but for her to actually master the craft to a certain degree, even if it's for a drama is admirable to say the least.

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