KARA Anniversary Project: The Ultimate KARA Calendar (KARAlendar lol)


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Hi guys! Sup?


Heck, it's been a while since I last posted like this.


Hoping that you guys remember that EVERYTIME I post here, means there's another SURPRISE lurking around the corner > :)

Well today is certainly not an exception! :)


We at KARAHOLIC decided to go with another route in celebrating our lovable girls anniversary.

We usually gave them gifts and stuff, showered them with lots of love through our own personal (and KH's) SNS accounts,

and a whole lot more ways than you can imagine. But this year, we wanted to give them something MORE than just "gifts". Something that we can ALL share and be happy about. Something that ALL of us can use.


And with that, we are proud to present the KARA Calendar! or KARAlendar, as I like to call it :)

XML: https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/vd54avrjvbli2vli9gg83u5vtk%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic

WebView: https://www.google.com/calendar/embedsrc=vd54avrjvbli2vli9gg83u5vtk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Asia/Seoul

iCal import: https://mega.co.nz/#!EE51GbjY!VUy3Qus6X4iAMIB2Yq9Fdqz95VgPdDdprlTiaJ3YTnE


This was designed to give every Kamilia out there a way to always celebrate something related to our lovely ladies.

May it be a TV appearance, Comeback Stage, A winning moment, etc. we got it ;)


Oh and right, you can also sync this with your apple and android devices so you can celebrate anywhere, anytime!


Now on to the tutorial!


Step 1:




Login to your google account.



Step 2




You will then be redirected to your own Google Calendar



Step 3




Click the "Other calendars" drop down arrow and choose either "add by URL" or "Import Calendar"


if you choose "Add by URL"


just input the KARA calendar URL (XML) posted above into the textfield


If you choose "Import Calendar"



Upload the ICS file attached to this post and select which calendar you want to be updated with the calendar entries


And that's it!




Now to Sync it with your devices


For Android users:


1.) Go to Settings

2.) Accounts and sync

3.) Select your Google Account

4.) Select Sync Calendar


For IOS users:


  1. First, lets make sure your Calendar is properly synced. The process is the same on both devices.
  2. Go to Settings, then open Mail/Contacts/Calendars.
  3. Next, select Add Account and Gmail. However, if you have already added your Gmail account, then instead of Add Account, choose Gmail from the account list.
  4. Toggle the Calendar switch to On.
  5. Otherwise, add your Google account information and a description of the calendar, and ensure that the Calendar option is switched on. Syncing will begin when you next open the Calendar app on your iPhone or iPad.

Next, you must choose which calendars to sync to your phone or tablet:

  1. To do this, you need to visit the following Google website:www.google.com/calendar/iphoneselect
  2. Provided you’re signed into your Google account, on this page you’ll see a list of all your calendars, with a check box against them.
  3. Tick the boxes of the calendars you want to sync with the iPhone and iPad.
  4. It’s important to note that shared calendars need selecting individually, and the default setting is “Off.” This means when a new calendar is shared, you must repeat these last few steps to ensure it syncs with your iPhone and iPad.
  5. Click save.
  6. Open the Calendars app on your iPhone or iPad and wait for it to sync

That is all!


We hope that all you guys appreciate this as everyone who joined in creating this spent a lot of hours researching, checking each dates MANUALLY just to provide this to all Kamilia :) Hoping that you keep on supporting KARA and Karaholic!


Special Thanks to everyone who contributed namely these people:

Yuda for leading this project

All the admins for approval and support (Lupang, Flamestalker, Neris)

To the major contributors (Chiaro, ELJunRa, Kamilia Tuna, mitsuki0208, Yongery, steprider, AppleJaJing, Oppa )

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