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About noviechubby

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  1. how i wish there will be engsub for this nicole my nicole my goodness she so d*mn pretty thanks eliza for the vid
  2. i cant help but laughed hard when i saw her dance all alone. urrie goddess to loves herself too much lol!!
  3. i really love ur comment!! ok..lets be waiting for their wedding ceremony :geminluv: :gemhoho:
  4. thank u ruset69 for keep making youngji cut. u're my HEROOOO!!! :gemheart:
  5. for me youngji really healing the pain when jiyoung n nicole has left the group. she's like a gift,a new power to KARA n KAMILIA as well.
  6. I LOVE U NICOLEEEEEE!!!! :gemhyper: and wow she will attending MAMA n perf as well. thats cool!!! :gemhappy: NICOLE FIGHTING!!!! :gemcheer:
  7. Dear GOD. How can hara be this pretty n damn sexy?? :geminluv: :geminluv:
  8. OMG OG,,she's never fail to makes me laughed so hard, alongside with jackson,guk joo,joon hyung, n sunny they seems like a comedian team hahahahahaa... :gemhoho: :gemhoho: