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About Mark

  • Birthday 11/13/1987

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    Los Angeles, CA

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  1. Happy Birthday! :3

  2. Hey, in addition to okaypop's css suggestion, you should use to optimize all your images. I tested it and you would save 360kb off the page load. Just run it through Firebug's YSlow Tools. Simple and easy ^^

  3. MIKee

    happy b-day!!!!

  4. I can't believe SY started dating AFTER she debuted! I wonder who the lucky guy is
  5. Aww that's so sweet of the fans! Of course all of us would do the same if we had the opportunity Happpy birthday Nicole!
  6. Obviously Hara! She has a face like a baby rabbit. It's so cuuute.
  7. The first time I heard about Kara was when my friends started playing it in the car a few months ago. I was pretty (and still am) into SNSD, but Kara was a different feel. I don't know how to explain it, but I love Kara for their pop feel and I'm in love with Nicole
  8. I wouldn't be able to choose!! I would hang out with Nicole so we could talk in english.. but I want to hang out with Hara too
  9. i'd prolly pick hara or nicole. assuming we could overcome the language barrier for hara haha. nicole feels like a fun person to be around with and so does hara!
  10. we should see more of sg and gyuri speaking english if they are fluent!
  11. I'm so glad they can rest after all the great performances they did the past couple months. They deserve it!